
For items related to service campaigns, please call customer service for assistance.

Program Overview

Program Introduction

Kia Vision:
To provide Kia dealers the best program to purchase quality tools and equipment to meet the service requirements of Kia products.

Snap-on Business Solutions Mission Statement:
To provide Kia Dealers with the "Best in Class" tools and service equipment they need to "fix it right the first time," with the speed and follow-up they expect, at low prices, under a Kia program umbrella.

Program Advantages:
The Kia Tool and Equipment Program offers dealer these advantages:

• One-stop shopping for all your service department tool and equipment needs.
• All required and recommended Kia Special Service Tools.
• Equipment specifically selected for its performance on Kia products.
• Convenient billing terms: Parts account or financed through
.. Snap-on Business Solutions.
• Dedicated toll-free phone and fax numbers for all your program orders and inquiries.
• Easy-to-use online catalog.
• Administration by a proven leader in the tool and equipment industry.